About Us
We are committed to provide the highest quality, compassionate health care to our participants, families, and others in need.
Trusting Hands Disability Services, Community Nursing, Mental Health & Wellbeing is committed to excellent governance, supporting the participant’s safety, and encouraging workers by establishing management duties and striving to adopt best practices throughout our facilities.
We promote fairness, accountability and transparency, by giving clear rights and obligations to workers, management and participants. Trusting Hands Disability services understands the importance of good support staff in the provision of care. We will ensure that our staff provide all participants with high-quality care and support, and are compliant with the standards, laws, and regulations set out in the NDIS Practice Standards and the NDIS Code of Conduct.
Our Journey
Trusting Hands Disability Services, Community Nursing, Mental Health & Wellbeing is a Registered NDIS provider in Canberra and surrounding regions, who takes care of you and your loved ones seriously. The organisation is run by a group of health professionals including Registered Nurses, enrol nurses, Drug & Alcohol Nurses, and experienced Disability Support workers, who have been working with People living with disability. In addition, our friendly staff are passionate to work with individuals who have mental health illnesses, including patients who received treatment in the Corrective Services, and the Forensic Mental Health Unit.
You can rest assured that the care you or your loved ones deserve is the care we provide to you and will be led by a Registered Nurse.
Our clients are unique and so is our caring. This is why our staff will speak your language, and our Coordinators will work with you to make a plan to care uniquely for you.
With the staff that speaks your language, you can be assured that when you join us, no detail becomes too small, too challenging, or is forgotten.
Our services are affordable and tailored to your needs, but we don’t compromise on our quality. Our care coordinators will be involved in your care and on your journey with NDIS.
We invite you to experience the Trusting Hands Disability Services difference in care.
“You are our family.”
At Trusting Hands Disability, Community Nursing, Mental Health & Wellbeing, we have established successful partnerships with local Health centres, mental health facilities, practitioners, and hospitals, reaffirming our strong affinity for our community and dedication to its mental health goals. These relationships enable us to provide education, intervention, and the best possible treatment to individuals, families, and our entire community as a whole.
“Our vision is to support and empower people to overcome disadvantage and barriers to personal, social and economic growth by delivering inclusive and innovative services”
Our Values
We will listen to you and hear what you say and encourage independence and respect your decisions, opinions, and views.
We will be trustworthy, tell the truth and keep our promise to you, and always provide the highest quality care we can.
Privacy and Confidentiality
We believe privacy and confidentiality are of the utmost importance for you and the organisation.
Development and Improvement
We will identify, with your help, where we can develop projects. We always work to improve our services and to uphold the service standards. Your feedback is always valued.
Safe and Harmonious Working Environment
We offer a workplace that provides support, guidance, and acceptance to staff and participants.
We have a passion for our work ethics. Every member of staff is passionate about his work and takes the participant as part of their family.
From Great Our Clients Testimonial
"Lorem ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusan tium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto."
Daniel Cortana
Photographer"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusan tium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto."
Michael Zerra
Designer"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusan tium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto."