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Specialist Disability Accommodation

Specialist Disability Accommodation

People with a disability that causes extreme functional impairment or extensive support needs might require special accommodation with access to the supports they need. Such accommodation is funded for eligible participants by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and is referred to as Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).

SDA comprises a housing to enable people with severe functional impairment to receive extensive supports. Through SDA, the NDIS aims to ensure that such people can live independently, participate in the society, and have choice and control over their lives.

People living with disabilities who qualify for SDA under the NDIS may access funding to meet the costs of securing the physical environment they need for living an independent life and continuing to receive supports. SDA, however, refers to homes for people with special needs and does not include support services. Also, SDA is not accessible for people with every kind of disability, but only those who require very special or extensive supports. Hence, it is likely to incorporate special features in design or location to allow access to the required supports.

Types of SDA Building

Only certain types of buildings are suitable for SDA. They must conform to the relevant building laws governed by the state or the Building Code of Australia (BCA) classifications for each type.

The types of SDA building include

  • Apartment
  • Villa/Duplex/Townhouse
  • House/Dwelling
  • Group Home

SDA Design Categories

The design category of the proposed SDA has to include features that meet occupant needs and enhance liveability. The SDA design category must conform to the Liveable Housing Australia design norms and should meet the ‘Minimum Requirements for New Builds’ criteria listed for that category.

There are five broad design categories for SDA:

  • Basic
  • Improved liveability
  • Fully accessible
  • Robust
  • High physical support